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Mari kita mulakan ye...nak kulit cantik?? Sape tak nak kan....eynda pun nak!! Jom kita masukkan semua ni dlm pemakanan seharian kita ;-)
Ok kat bawah tu tulis guna bahasa inggeris sebab eynda copy & paste aje dari sumber..malas nak merekacipta ayat sendiri...baca tau...info bagus ni...nak kulit cantik kan :-D

Lycopene, in red grapefruit, tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit, is a powerful weapon against free radicals. It has the ability to inhibit sun-induced aging and can neutralize free radicals. Breiner suggests, “Fill your glass with tomato juice or V8 juice daily.”

“Eat salmon at least three times a week,” says Breiner. “It has a host of benefits for your skin, from the omega-3s to the high-quality protein. Make it a regular in your diet, and you will see plumper, more youthful skin in about six weeks.”

Lutein is found in spinach, kale, corn, and other vegetables. It has the ability to give additional antioxidant capacity to your skin and enhances skin hydration.
Catechins, found in green tea, dark chocolate, and red wine, are another antioxidant that packs a wallop. “Have four to six cups of tea a day with lemon, which enhances the antioxidants’ activity in your cells,” Breiner advises.

Stay hydrated: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. (And if you are drinking decaffeinated tea, that counts.) Caffeinated beverages can dehydrate you, which can contribute to dry, sallow-looking skin.
Colourful Berries

The antioxidant anthocyanin is what gives berries their blue, red, and purple colors. To get a healthy dose of this potent antioxidant, eat plenty of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, pomegranate, cherries, acai berries, and blood oranges, to name a few of the best choices. Each of these foods has a variety of other powerful antioxidants that repair and protect your skin’s cells.

Quercetin is another powerful antioxidant that is found in broccoli, along with other foods including cranberries, onions, and apples. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent as well, fighting the No. 2 cause of aging. Broccoli sprouts have 30 times more isothiocyanates (yet another antioxidant) regular broccoli.
Allium is an antioxidant that packs a punch. Garlic, onions, and scallions are loaded with this free-radical fighter that is good for your skin and your immune system.

“Eat your beans, too,” says Breiner. Anthocyanin is found in very high quantities in black beans and black soybeans. Soybeans are also high in isoflavones, also linked to anti-aging properties.
Yellow & orange root vegetables
Put plenty of beta-carotene on your plate. These super-antioxidants are good for your skin and eyes. Good choices include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and squash.
Eat a handful of nuts and seeds a day. They are loaded with “good” fat that helps “plump” your skin, antioxidants and lots of minerals that are good for your skin, too.
Sumber dari sini . Tapi diaorg tak letak gambar....eynda gigih google cari gambar tau...punya gigih nak buat entry :-D So nak baca lebih lanjut sila klik ke link itu utk baca-baca....ada lagi satu yg elok utk skin katanyer...WINE!! Tapi eynda tak letak le dlm entry ni walaupun dah tulis gak perkataan WINE tu kan....
Jom buat list & pi shopping utk kulit cantik!! :-)
waktu sy belajar dulu, sangat rajin makan tomato mentah...
2 hari sekali beli kat pasar...
makan tomato rasa macam makan buah epal....
sy pun suka tomato
mmg terbukti kn..mkn tomato akan dpt kulit yg sihat...
memang bagus kan...dn memang akan dpt benefits jika mengamalkannye..masalahnye kenapa la susah sgt nk amal dn kekalkan pemakanan berkhasiat ni.
sangat suka salmon :)mentah or smoke
huwa nak kulit cantik gak tapi entah kenapa dah dua hari kulit muka naik ruam gatal2... dah nak raya ni dia wat hal la pulak..
sure pasar penuh ari ni..
i lerf tomato!
waah..sya mmg malas makn sayur..camne tuu ek..hehe
info menarik, tks 4 sharing. Tapi Garlic...hmmm tak suke tak suke..
fuhss!! sharing is caring lol...but...dalam manyak2 kat atas tuh..carrot jerk weiyda suKO..yang laIN HAmpehhhh..camNER?? Aiyarrrkk..
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