Like many topics and issues in the health and weight loss industry I believe drinking coffee for health and weight loss has been left unsettled with a growing controversy every day. People having all kinds of views whether bias or unbiased, has really made this topic difficult to come to a conclusion. So from all my research, studying, and experimenting I believe I have been able to come up with the unbiased truth on the topic drinking coffee for health and weight loss.
I would like to start off and put to rest some myths you might of heard that just seem to be used against coffee that have been proven wrong. So let me just quickly clear up these myths.
First, the caffeine in coffee does not increase the risk of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, liver injury, pancreatic cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer incidence, or certain types of cancers. The truth is coffee actually decreases the risks or has absolutely no effect on these health conditions when coffee consumption is taken in moderation.
Second, the argument that declares coffee as a drug because of its drug like qualities like addiction, a stimulant, and mood altering. These things can become a problem without moderation a discipline but coffee being one of the healthiest beverages out there, I would rather have people drinking coffee than soda pops or sugar drinks.
Third, an excess of coffee increases urinary secretion of important minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium and uses up a fair amount of vitamin B1. These minerals and vitamins are very important to our body's health but that is why I like to bring up several tests that have been conducted which should clarify a few things. These test proved that people that drink coffee consume an average of 8 to 14% more minerals and vitamins than people that don't drink coffee. I don't know if coffee drinkers eat healthier or what but there mineral and vitamin loss is made up by consumption of food and daily multi-vitamins.
These myths have had an impact on the questions and controversy against coffee being benefial or not for healthy living and weight loss. I must point out that anything in excess is bad for you so when people say coffee is unhealthy, I can most of the time point out ten unhealthier things they do instead of drinking coffee.
Now that we are pasted that, let us focus on the advantages and disadvantages of coffee.
Coffee is actually one of the healthiest beverages billions of people consume regularly.
Coffee containing with bitter orange, hydroxycitric acid, and chromium can encourage an increase up to 30% in metabolic rate.
Coffee with exercise when taking 300mg averages a 20% increase in energy and fatigue while burning fat increased 107% greater than without caffeine.
Caffeine in coffee keeps our brains alert and receptive of new information.
Regular consumption of coffee decreases the risk of type II diabetes and many other health risks.
Coffee when consumed in excess can be addictive, stimulate, and a mood charger.
A large amount of coffee or caffeine consumed all at once can have a negative affect on blood sugar levels that influences fat burning that could change into storing fat.
Too much coffee over time can stain your teeth.
With so many benefits of coffee for health and weight loss it is hard to be worried about the few disadvantages when moderation can solve it all.
Step 1 Coffee Clean Up
Coffee when consumed straight and by itself it perfect. Having zero calories, zero carbs, and zero fats one can see that it would not hinder weight loss. When adding all that extra sugars, sweeteners, syrups, alcohol and so on just make it a high calorie dessert.
Sticking with regular or straight shots of coffee with limiting extras like milk and sweeteners is necessary for achieving healthy living and weight loss.
Step 2 - Coffee in Moderation
Too much coffee at one time can affect blood sugar levels so the easy fix is reducing your in take at one time. Spacing out your coffee in take throughout the day would be something to consider and would benefit as an appetite suppressant while reducing chances of increasing blood sugar.
Reducing your coffee in take might be a struggle and can possibly cause headaches and constipation but in the end is worth it.
Step 3 Limit Simple Carbs with Coffee
Avoiding or at least limiting simple carbs while drinking coffee would be wise as coffee can affect blood sugar negatively and adding simple carbs will just encourage an insulin spike.
Step 4 - Exercise
Exercise has so many benefits besides burning calories and suppressing your appetite. Exercise can also help regulate your body's use of insulin to keep blood sugar down and making coffee have little affect on your body. So make sure you participate in aerobic activities, lift some weights, and keep drinking that coffee and you should achieve weight loss in no time.
Don't let people tell you coffee is a bad drug and should be avoided at all costs. You know the truth that coffee actually has more benefits than negatives, so enjoy your coffee worry free about hindering for diet and weight loss goals.
Source :
Apa-apa saje yg diambil berlebihan memang la memudaratkan...salah satunyer termasuk la soyabean....
So bagi penggemar kopi macam eynda (ramai lagi yg eynda kenal suka minum kopi hehe) ini adalah berita baik :-D
Kalau tengok iklan nescafe pun...salah satu ayat dari Maya Karin..."mengandungi antioksidan".... awet muda...sape tak mau kan...janji berpada-pada la....
Ada yg tak tahu kopi ada brape kalori....kat atas tu ada tulis...even google link lain pun cakap macam tu....kalau yg dah ditambah gula...creamer...susu....boleh check kat belakang peket kopi tu....atau kat restoran yg jual coffee cth dunkin donuts....starbucks...kita boleh tanya info pasal nutrisi dlm menu diaorg....
Contoh yg eynda tahu sebab eynda minum...
1) nescafe 3 in 1 RICH ~ sepeket 96kalori (2.6gm fat)
2) Old Town White Coffee ~ sepeket 186kalori (6.6gm fat)
Eynda tak risau sebab sehari sekali je eynda minum.....kalori & fat masih dlm bajet kalori seharian....lagipun kalau ambik healthy food & exercise....should be no problem kan....
Actually eynda kaji benda ni sebab agak risau bila orang selalu cakap coffee tak bagus utk kesihatan....sekarang eynda dah lega skit....ada kebaikan & ada keburukan....
Tapi eynda salute la sape2 yg boleh tinggalkan kopi terus.....anda adalah satu dlm berbillion-billion peminum kopi di dunia ;-)

betula sis kalu kita amik berlebihan mmglah pun suka bnda berkafein sy minum sekali sehari..waktu brekpes.tq for the info
thanx 4 info..
kiter pun minum sekali sehari..
kekadang tak minum pun...hhehehhe
psssttt..dh masak ke?
rajin eynda cari info....tq...boleh tumpang sekaki....hihi
Hanim...sharing is caring kan :-)
Anonymous...sama la...kekadang tak minum pun...tapi banyak yg minum la kekekeke.....nasik dah masak...jap lagi goreng ayam & telur dadar utk anak2...diaorg ni masak happening2 pun tak laku....nak yg simple gitu je :-)
neisya....terpaksa cari utk sedapkan hati hehe...tapi memang eynda suka google2 buat kajian :-p (puji diri sendiri kan...)
kak eynda, camno lady nak diet ni.. lady tak bape ske minum kopi.. huhu...
Lady...tak minum pun takpe...paling bagus minum green tea :-)
arghhh ku tak boleh tinggalkan kopi..
dapat 1 mug sehari pun jadi heheh..
minum pagi rasa bertenaga je nak buat keje sepanjang hari heheh
1-2 gelas 1 hari takpe..
tp apa2 pun kalau diamik berlebihan mmg mudaratkan
eynda... maira memang peminum kopi tegar... berentai sat saja, lepaih tu... x boley tahan lorrrrrrrr.......mesti pekena jugak secawan 2 huhuuuuu
thanx 4 info..
sy pun mesti minum nescafe panas sekali sehari...
tk lengkap hidup tanpa necafe itu...
penah beli yg decaf nyer, tk shedap....skrg trus beli nescafe gold...
kak eynda tq for sharring the good info....sekurang2nyer penggemar kopi nie tau la yg kopi tak memudaratkan & baik tuk kesihatan gak.... cuma jgn ambil berlebihan.... ira minum gak nescafe tapi nescafe o la... but ira lagi suka kopi kaw...... dh lame x minum coffe..:-p
nescafe ke..coffe latte ke..yg sesedap sume ma x minum..dunno y lah..:( rugi betul.
nk pulak yg geng2 alicafe tu ramai ckp boleh berbau tut bawah kita tu..lglah buat ma x nk minum.
kalau teh ais laju pulak ma habiskan..hehe..
gud info dr akk ni..tq 4 sharing:)
sha pon suke.. tp 1 kali sehari jer..
sayangnye...kita tak minum kopi..kalau minum gak...pening....
kak eynda
kita minum kopi sekali sekala.. tp kopi susu.. kat KLuang railway. most famous coffee and bread toast.. hehehe
tp balik jek opis kepala berdenyut2.. wakak tp sekali2 apa salahnye kan...
tp kalau nescafe.. tumbang terus.. da lama tak minum dan tak berani lgsg nk ambik lg.. hehehe
**green tea tu minum tanpa gula kan??
alamak...adakan saya harus start minum kopi??sbb saya tak minum kopi nor tea je minum...
haah.. yus pun sama k.eynda..sehari x minum nescafe mmg x boleh, mcm bateri yg x di cas je..
Liana...sama la kita...tak minum pagi...minum waktu petang....eynda ni minum tak kira masa pun...tetap tido lena hehe...setengah org takleh tido kalau minum kopi :-)
maira....eynda berhenti minum kopi masa peknen kat hannah sampai kandungan 5-6 bulan....tu je...hari2 lan mesti ada kopi ....boleh pulak stop waktu tu yer...psiko betul :-p
Que....eynda tak pernah try decaff....hubby kata tak best...kat rumah pun guna nescafe gold...lagi sedapkan...cuma yg instant je ada yg rich & old town tu sebab hubby suka....
irakecik...akak tak reti minum nescafe o...tak reti nak bancuh hehe...kopi o panas pun sedap :-)
Ma....teh ais pun akak suka...sedara mara kopi gak tu hehe....tapi betul kalau kopi yg ada pewangi tu akak tak suka minum....tau kan naper hehe....
sha...janji tak memudaratkan :-)
azmiezas.....macam mama eynda pun takleh minum minuman berkafein...dia mesti pening kepala.... :-)
adha...memang ada orang macam tu :-) Tak serasi dgn minuman tea tu minum tanpa gula....kalau ada gula tak sedap :-)
mrs....teruskan minum green tea...lagi bagus rasanyer :-)
Yus....kita ada ramai geng kekekeke....
eynda~ nescafe gold sedap sket..yg classic tu pekat sket...minum + creamer panas2, walllaaaaaaa.....
penah beli kopi campuran masa bercuti kat penang (kedai wat kopi kot)..sedap gak kopi kat situ...
thanks for sharing the info. i mmg dok cr info kopi bila berdiet ni. ada yg kata elok, ada yg kata tak... confius. i ada tanya my personal trainer ms kt fitness dulu. dia kata ok. sbb b4 diorg workout diorg akan take a cup of coffee.
anyway, i mmg ambik a cup of coffee every morning. i penggemar pearl cafe. tp sekarang i ambik kopi goji. nak tau apa khasiat kopi goji, u can check from my site
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